“Great spirits have always encountered violent
opposition from mediocre minds.”
“We are not constrained by expectations, opinion, the past, the present or the impossible; rather
we driven by a genetic need to create a reality today where yesterday there was a void.”
“The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to
venture a little way past them into the impossible.”
“Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship…
the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.”
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic.”

A more profound statement than the sum of it’s words… this statement is the foundation of the Innovators mindset. We believe that true, genuine radical innovation can never be realized by ordinary, incremental, evolutionary thinking, but rather, radical innovation is the result of a spark… a hiccup… the result of original creation. A revolution of thought.
Data Driven – cras volutpat odio ac sapien faucibus auctor
Results Orientated – Sed consequat odio quis dictum
Research Led – Nam ac pharetra nibh. Nullam eu magna sit
Ut convallis, magna sed dapibus tincidunt, nulla lacus sollicitudin nisi, id commodo urna urna in elit. Nunc vulputate tincidunt risus non.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ac nibh vestibulum, laoreet ipsum quis, vestibulum nisi. Curabitur non mi et turpis pharetra vulputate.
Data Driven – cras volutpat odio ac sapien faucibus auctor
Results Orientated – Sed consequat odio quis dictum
Research Led – Nam ac pharetra nibh. Nullam eu magna sit
Ut convallis, magna sed dapibus tincidunt, nulla lacus sollicitudin nisi, id commodo urna urna in elit. Nunc vulputate tincidunt risus non.

The Premier Source of
Innovation & Possibility…
Cogent Group, Inc.
Main Office:
28170 N. Alma School Pkwy
Scottsdale, AZ 85262
Phone: +1.480.923.0000
Email: info@cogentgroup.com
Hurricane Research & Innovation Resort
Future Address:
8500 E. Dynamite Blvd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85262